Couscous is fairly new to me, and I have only had it made in one dish. A side really, my friend Claire in Pittsburgh made it for us as a snack to being to class. I loved it then. And now I love it even more with this dish I found in a recipe book. I really enjoyed this one because the couscous tasted so wonderful hot, and it was made with chicken broth rather than water, so it just soaked up all the flavor!
It basically includes couscous, chicken broth, chick peas, garlic, onion, tomatoes and raisins. I am sure you could mix it up more by adding different things to it. One especially unique thing about it was the raisins. I have never had hot raisins before, and certainly never in a dinner dish. They plumped up nicely and tasted great! Its different than what I am used to eating, and I welcomed it!
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