Monday, October 8, 2007

Pasta with Mushrooms & failed White Sauce & Caramelized Onions

This pasta had some problems because I cooked the mushrooms with this white sauce I was making. That was a mistake because it gave the sauce this strong and gross mushroom flavor. I don’t like mushrooms that much, but Joel likes them, and I really didn’t like that flavor. Joel was able to tolerate it better, but it wasn’t good. The other reason why the white sauce failed is probably due to the fact that I just put a bunch of ingredients in there without knowing if it would work. I can't recall now everything I tried, but I put cream and some cheese and stuff in there.

So we used it, but added red sauce to it to cover the flavor, and overall it was just ok. Definitely took away from the caramelized onion flavor that I was going for!

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