Monday, October 8, 2007

Chicken Tagine Attempt

Technically, I was going for a dish called Chicken Tagine, but I ended up with something else. So I guess I will call it Middle Eastern Chicken Soup. But I am not sure if I should call it anything, because I don’t think I would make it again. It wasn’t bad, Joel and I ate it all pretty well, but it was just an accident thing, not something you want to make again on purpose. Due to the spices I added, it has an Indian or Middle Eastern kind of flavor to it. And it turned out this way, because I have a tendency to make grand substitutions and omissions, that couldn’t possibly work if I think about it, because I am on a tight budget and have to deal with the ingredients I have and cant go buy more too often. That tendency can sometimes produce some really interesting or good dishes. But more often than not, it produces a thing that is ok, but I won’t be making again. I am starting to realize that I do better when I only substitute or change small things, rather than over half the recipe! But no one can say that I am not bold in my attempts at cooking! In the future, I do think I will try again to make chicken tagine the way the recipe says!

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