Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pad Thai

Joel introduced me to Pad Thai when we were eating out during out honeymoon. I had never had any Thai food before, but I loved it! We have since then eating Pad Thai about 3 times! I wanted to learn to make it, because I liked it so much! I actually made two go’s at it. The first time was way too salty! Fish oil is so salty and gross, and I didn’t realize that. Plus it makes you want to throw up when you smell it. I wonder if people in Thailand like the smell. I can’t see how anyone could!
As for the second try, I added caramelized onions, and it was actually a little too sweet. But it is much nicer to eat a meal that is too sweet than too salty, at least for us. Both were very close to tasting like a version of Pad Thai. So Joel was really proud of me for that. It did take me a long time to look up the many different ways to cook it and to make my decisions of how I would. Overall, I think I know how to do it just right whenever we get the craving next.

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